Buddy Workout 25 Minutes AMRAP 50x Power Snatches 50/40kg3,500 Meter Row150x Wall Balls 9/6kg
Buddy Workout 25 Minutes AMRAP 50x Power Snatches 50/40kg3,500 Meter Row150x Wall Balls 9/6kg
16 Minutes AMRAP :4x Wall Walks8x Alternating Dumbbell Snatches 22,5/15kg12x Pull Ups
5 Rounds For Time :60x Double Unders15x Overhead Squats 50/40kg3x Rope Climbs
For Time :500 Meter Bike20x Goblet Squats 24/15kg10x Box Step Ups500 Meter Bike19x Goblet Squats 24/15kg10x Box Step Ups500 Meter Bike18x Goblet Squats 24/15kg10x Box Step Ups….500 Meter Bike1x Goblet…
On the 3:00 x 7 Rounds:400 Meter Run12x Chest to Bar Pull Ups
15 Minutes AMRAP: 21/15 Calorie Bike15x Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg30x AbMat Sit Ups15x Push Ups
10 Minutes AMRAP: 1x Burpee Box Jump 24"/20"1x Push Jerk 50/40kg2x Burpee Box Jumps 24"/20"2x Push Jerks 50/40kg3x Burpee Box Jumps 24"/20"3x Push Jerks 50/40kgect… After the 10 minutes AMRAP…
Buddy Workout For Time: 100x Synchro AbMat Sit Ups50x Double Dumbbell Front Squats 22.5/15kg10x Rope Climbs50x Double Dumbbell Front Squats 22.5/15kg10x Rope Climbs50x Double Dumbbell Front Squats 22.5/15kg100x Synchro AbMat…
5 Rounds Of EMOM Minute 1: Max Calorie MachineMinute 2: Max Russian Swings 24/16kgMinute 3: Max Toes to BarMinute 4: Rest Score = Total Reps
On A 20:00 Clock athletes will complete“DIANE”21-15-9:Deadlifts 100/70kgHandstand Push-ups*Score 1 = Time it takes to complete the workoutIn remaining time. . .Athletes will Build to A Heavy 3 Deadlift