WOD “240129”
RX 20 minutes EMOM : min 1:00 | max chest to bar pull upsmin 2:00 | max shuttle runsmin 3:00 | max toes to barmin 4:00 | max cardiomin 5:00…
RX 20 minutes EMOM : min 1:00 | max chest to bar pull upsmin 2:00 | max shuttle runsmin 3:00 | max toes to barmin 4:00 | max cardiomin 5:00…
RX 3 x 2:00 rounds: 12x front squats 70/47kgMax burpee box jump-overs Rest 2:00 – Step down from the box.
RX 10 rounds for time: 10x hand-release push-ups5x single-arm KB push jerks, right 24/16kg5x single-arm KB push jerks, left10x KB sumo deadlift high pulls 24/16kg
RX For time with a partner: 800meter run80x KB swings 24/16kg80x KB walking lunges800meter run – Run together, and split KB work as desired.
RX For time: 12x squat clean thrusters 52/34kg400m run9x squat clean thrusters400m run6x squat clean thrusters400m run
RX For reps: 3:00 of pull-ups3:00 of push-ups3:00 of sit-ups3:00 of air squats
RX 9 minutes AMRAP : 9x burpees to a target10x alternating reverse lunges
RX 5 rounds for time: 50x double-unders10x power snatches 61/43kg
BuddyWod RX 22 minutes AMRAP: 75/60 cal row21x push jerks 43/29kg75/60cal row15x push jerks 52/34kg75/60cal row9x push jerks 61/43kg